home organization

5 Actions To Take Now for a Better 2017

Editor’s note: ‘Tis the season – not only to celebrate the year’s end, but to look back at highlights of the past 12 months and start thinking about what we hope the coming year will bring. This week on Porchlight, we’ll reminisce about some of 2016’s bright spots, and help you get ready to greet 2017. 

5 Actions to Take Now for a Better 2017

Getting started now on organizing for 2017 will help you to ease the holiday crunch and paint an attainable path into the new year. Here are five steps you can take to get started. Donate now The holidays are upon us, and the accumulation of new decorations and gifts are sure to put a squeeze

5 Steps to a More Organized Home for Back to School

As if summer isn’t crazy enough, the transition to school can make home life even busier and messier. Schedules are a mix of school activities and the last-hurrah-of-summer, and the house is strewn with important school papers and wet beach towels. Here are a few tips to help you organize the chaos this year. Clean the